Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Maybe it's a resolution

So maybe my sister-in-law inspired me to start writing in this again... or maybe it was that I love reading other people's blogs so much that I thought, "why not do that myself?" Or perhaps, I am uber-confident and think that people really want to know what I have to say and before you know it my blog will be raking in $20,000 a month in ad revenue.

Nah... we'll call it a resolution. Which, by the way, we all know resolutions hardly ever last. Of course this year I also want to eat healthier, exercise more, spend less, etc., but this resolution may just stick. If I get readers.

When I wrote in this before (I think 14 entries over a couple years), I never even told anyone I was writing. Writing is a precious thing to me. What is the point in writing in a blog if I am not going to say what is on my mind or in my heart?

So today, I commit to start writing in here. I commit to writing from the heart. You may find it incredibly boring or you may not like what I have to say. I'm not here to please anyone. If you stick around, I thank you.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Nothing profound

So I'm not going to say much. But I am going to say--it's way too late, I'm crazy for still being awake, and that typing it out made it that much more of a reality.

On that note... Good night!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sleeping In. Sunshine.

My birthday is on Friday. How old am I going to be?? Quarter-life crisis. :-) I am young enough that I still look forward to my birthday, but old enough that I don't get too excited about it. It is interesting how after you have a child, things centered around yourself just aren't that big of a deal. From the moment Sadie was born, I have cared less about birthday or Christmas presents. I've realized how insignificant it all can be.

My mom keeps asking for ideas for my birthday. What would I like to have? What would I like to do?

I don't know.

She then asked, "What would your perfect day look like?"

My response... "Sleeping In. Sunshine."

The weather has been incredibly gloomy for the past several days. I am in desperate need of sunshine and warm weather. I almost went tanning tonight just so I could get the illusion of warmth. Sleeping in... well, I think that's always nice, but given the events of the past couple of weeks--I think it would make the perfect birthday present.

With Dan being sick, hospitalized, and sick again, I have been on double-duty as a caregiver. I am just TIRED. When Dan was in the hospital I could not sleep. I don't think I have caught up since then.

We'll see if I get my two birthday wishes. I hope so. But even if I don't get them, I am looking forward to spending the day with the two loves of my life. It really can't get much better than that anyway.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sick of it

If one more person gets sick, I'm going to throw up.

It's been just over a week now that Sadie got sick. She threw up during Jubilee practice on the sanctuary floor. The only outfit we had to change her into was a cute little Santa get-up. She threw up on that during the car ride home. A few more episodes got us late into the night and then came the diarrhea. That lasted for a few days and just when we thought things were getting better, she started vomiting again. A trip to the doctor helped to alleviate my concerns, but didn't slow down the frequent diaper changes. The "24 hour stomach flu" lasted more like 100 hours. Good grief. Just a couple of days ago, Dan started having some weird stomach issues--won't give you the graphic details this time.

This morning I called my mom to see what she was doing on her vacation day. I could tell from the moment she answered the phone that she wasn't well. She had been up all last night with the stomach flu. Are you kidding me!!??!

So far I have managed to avoid the bug... *some serious knocking on wood going on here* But seriously--when is this going to end? I am ready for spring.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


I think that might be my New Year's resolution. Simplify. As we spent part of today organizing the house, I realized how much simpler things would be with less. My boss recently told me about a rule she set for herself--every time she brought something new into the house, she had to bring one thing out. New sweater in, old sweater out. Seems like a simple enough rule and one I should probably consider taking up.

Looking at the pile of shoes greeting me each time I walk through the door or the mound of toys that Sadie could do without is starting to wear on me. Maybe people are right when they say less really is more.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

All I want for Christmas... I received.

What a beautiful day. As I reflect on the day's events, my mind keeps drifting back to one year ago today. Last year, Dan and I spent Christmas in the hospital with Sadie. At 5 weeks old, she was in Methodist Hospital--quietly growing, waiting to come home. She weighed just under four pounds. We didn't spend the day with any other relatives. We just wanted to be with our little girl. What a difference a year makes.

This year we woke up in our warm comfy bed to the sound of a chattering baby girl. We found Sadie standing up in her crib with a big grin on her face. The one gift I wanted last year, I couldn't get--and that was having Sadie home for Christmas. This year, I got what I wanted and more. Not only is Sadie home, but she is happy, healthy, and beautiful. I am blessed to have her and Dan, in addition to all of my wonderful family and friends. I could rattle off some of the other generous gifts I unwrapped this year, but none of them compare to the glorious gift of family, friends and of course, baby Jesus.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

If only I had something profound to say...

So I never write in this thing and thus have not garnered any sort of following for my blog. I wish I would have started this back when Sadie was in the hospital and there were more day-to-day things to write about.

It's hard to believe I am the mother of a one year old. Where time goes... I don't know. She is incredibly mobile now and keeps us busy, busy, busy. She hasn't started to walk yet, but we know the minute she does she'll be running.

Last night was my work's Holiday Party. My aunt and uncle watched Sadie for the evening and were so impressed at what a happy baby she is. Funny how this morning we then get to deal with a temper tantrum of epic proportions. Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit. She manages to wipe all that away with one of her adorable smiles.

Motherhood... it's the best.